Election for Committee Positions & Female Welfare Officer Appointment



Membership Secretary Role:

We received three applications for the Membership Secretary position. Because of this, we need to hold an election to determine the successful candidate. If one candidate receives more than 50% of the votes cast by 20th August, they will be elected. However, if no candidate receives 50% of the vote, the candidate with the least votes will be eliminated, and the remaining two candidates will proceed to a second round of voting.


Associate Members Representative Position:

We had two applications for the Associate Members Representative position, and thus, an election is also required for this role.


Voting Process:

You will find links to the voting forms for both the Membership Secretary and Associate Members Representative positions below. Please take a moment to read through the statements provided by each candidate on the voting form belowand cast your vote for the individual who you believe will best fulfil the role. Voting will close at midnight on Sunday, 20th August.


Voting Form for Membership Secretary

Voting Form for Associate Members Representative


Female Welfare Officer Position:

In addition, we have had one applicant for the vacant position of Female Welfare Officer. As only one candidate for this role exists, we do not need to hold an election. However, we kindly request that you read the candidate's statement and indicate whether you are satisfied or not with the candidate being elected to this position.

Candidate's Statement and Confirmatory Vote Form for Female Welfare Officer


Your participation in this process is crucial, and we appreciate your timely response to these matters. If you have any questions or require further information, please reply to the email sent on 8 August 2023.

