Appointment of Temporary Acting Officers


Following the resignation of Mr Davey Green from the position of Chair of the 100 Marathon Club earlier this week the committee held a meeting this evening to agree a way forward for the immediate future, 

I am pleased to be able to announce the Jo Yarnal has agreed to stand in as Acting Chair and that in so doing relinquishes her post of club secretary. Rob Cowlin has agreed to become Acting Club Secretary, whilst still remaining in his role as Website Manager. These temporary appointments were unanimously approved by the committee. A proposal about the election to these positions will be made in due course, and fully communicated to the membership after our next regular monthly committee meeting. These appointments mean that for the time being the club has the three officers as required by our constitution.

A further statement in relation to other current events and issues will be issued by the Acting Chair within the next few days,

With best wishes 

Jon Aston - Treasurer
