Frequently asked questions

Yes but as it is a triathlon rather than a marathon then it counts as a trail marathon unless independently certified to the classic marathon distance

The 100 Marathon Club is primarily a running club, events where runners are either actively discouraged or prohibited won’t be counted (i.e. The Moonwalk series) nor will such events be included in the 100 Marathon Race lists.

No. Only LDWA events classed as “Challenge Events” can be considered for inclusion as counting events. They handily specify on their lists of events if they are Challenge Events or Group Walks so easy to spot which is which.

It will depend on the exact nature of the race.- but generally things that do no look like traditional races may not count. Please seek clarity from the Club if in any doubt. 


Whilst these events are very challenging and great fun for many participants they generally do not count towards membership of the 100 Marathon Club.

The 100 Marathon Club recognizes that there may be very exceptional circumstances where a person has entered an event in good faith fully anticipating that the event would have 15 or more finishers only to find that exceptional circumstances have occurred and this isn’t the case. The 100 Marathon Club will (at its discretion) accept the completion of such an event as long as the following criteria have been met.

(a) The event was listed on the 100 Marathon Club website as a qualifying event. AND

(b) There were originally a minimum of 15 people entered for the event.


(c) There are exceptional circumstances as to why there weren’t enough finishers. For example exceptionally bad weather conditions, traffic or other health or safety considerations. When submitting race lists the 100 Marathon Club will accept on a members honour the reasons they state for the exceptional circumstances.


It is unlikely that the 100 Marathon Club would list the event again as a qualifying event until reassurances that the event would meet all the qualifications standards again in the future.

If you would like a UK or Ireland event listed please check it meets our criteria then use the google submission form which can be found on the events listing page

It should include the following :- 

Name of Event

Name of Event Organiser / Company

Type of Event

Trail Marathon

Road Marathon

Ultra Marathon

Timed Event

Date of Event

Start Time of Event

County in which event is held

Website address of the event

Yes. We require that an event has either a permit which includes public liability insurance from an athletics affiliated organization (England Athletics, Trail Runners Association, LDWA or similar) or a separate public liability insurance policy.

The 100 Marathon Club seeks to be as inclusive as possible and providing the race allows runners to participate and you finish within the allowed time then the race will count towards 100 MC membership and totals.

If the event organizers include you in the race results with a finish time  then that event will count.

If they list you as a DNF or are simply omitted from the race results then it doesn’t count even though you completed the distance, you must abide by the race rules.

Virtual events (ie those run on your own using a GPS or similar  to record and prove you have completed) do not count for club membership purposes towards club totals.


It’s your day, it’s been your journey so do what you feel right.

If that’s celebrating then great. If it’s running and heading home then equally great.

But reaching 100 is a big milestone and it’s probably been a long journey so most people do like to mark it in some way.

Its very much you day and we are happy for you to celebrate it your way.

Often people want a club member who has played a significant part in their journey to welcome them into the club. You should approach the individual you want to do this directly and make arrangements.

If you would like one of the Club Officers to be there then you should approach them in plenty of time as their race diaries are as busy as everyone elses!

With the growth in membership its almost inevitable that on occasions more than one member might be celebrating 100 or another milestone at aparticular race.

If you want “exclusivity” at an event for your big day then you should ask the Race Director about this as early as possible and see if they are willing to accommodate this.

But  its not a hard and fast rule thats enforceable and some members enjoy sharing their celebrations with others who have been on the journey with them.

No this is something you should arrange for yourself.

Many local printers will do it for you or there are sites on the internet that can arrange to send transfers for you to do it at home.

All complete lists of marathons run should be submitted using the standard spreadsheet available here

Race Template

The “15 finisher” rule applies to the event in total. If the combined number of finishers of marathon distance or greater is 15 or more in total then the marathon/ultra will count.

For 100 Marathon Club purposes it’s the prior declared distance of the race that matters not what your watch shows.

Providing you are shown in the results as a finisher and not DQ then it will count.

For an event to count for 100 MC purposes you must complete the race distance entered, published in advance as part of the race rules, for entrants to complete a shorter distance on the day. For an event to count the race organizers must publish in advance the point at which the withdrawal can be made and the time and distance covered by entrants covered by these provisions.

If you receive a simple DNF then the event won’t count nor will it count if the race rules make no provision for early withdrawals over the marathon distance.


The declared distance before the race is the deciding factor no matter how far you actually went.

Watch distances do not count no matter how large the detour.

These would be considered as one single ultra, not multiple marathons regardless of the distance above 27 miles.

One event can only ever count once.

A timed ultra of 6, 12, 24, 48, 6 days or of any other duration will count as a single marathon if you complete at least 26.2 miles, or a single ultra if you complete more than 27 miles no matter what the final distance covered is.

If you fail to reach 26.2 miles in the time allotted then the event doesn’t count.

A Challenge Event is a timed running event.

They have a specified time limit rather than a specified distance to be covered. Generally the minimum time limit is 6 hours to be considered as a counting event for 100 Marathon Club purposes. There is no maximum time limit.

You must cover a minimum of 26.2 miles as declared by the event.
